Starting off strong

The road to a successful launch can be a very difficult one to navigate. For every streetwear brand, starting off strong can surely set a great foundation for later drops. Station Magazine had a chance to speak with Paul Azzinaro, owner of ‘Amity Streetwear’, about his journey from conception to completion, in which he details the ups and downs that came with the brand’s first drop.

By: Harold Rollins

After a long 6 months of design, preparation, and hardwork, ‘Amity Streetwear’ celebrated the drop of its first collection in October of 2022. Launching a clothing line, specifically a streetwear brand, is nothing shy of a difficult task. Creating a streetwear brand takes time, money, dedication and a solid vision. Here at the station, we had a chance to speak with New Jersey native, Paul Azzinaro, owner of ‘Amity Streetwear’, about his journey from conception to first drop. When asked what was the most fulfilling part of the journey, Paul responded,

“It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, but looking back, a successful first drop is truly a blessing.

Paul highlighted the importance of having a brand that not only speaks to him personally, but also resonates with the wearer. When creating the ‘Amity Streetwear’ brand Paul set out to create a brand that spoke to who he is as a person, but could also connect with people from all walks of life. “Amity is a noun that describes friendly relations between nations. I want to portray that ideology with all of my designs.” When thinking back, Paul never thought his love for streetwear would result in him creating his very own brand, but now it’s his reality.  

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Jordan Morales